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    Ankle Bracelet Tracker for Kids of All Ages, Secure Ones, Need Key to Remove

    @morse86 I love this idea and looked into it a while ago - I think there are two main problems - GPS power units are big - probably quite big relative to a toddlers leg - I have seen those ankle bracelets and they are significant size. The other problem is people general fear of em emitting...
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    Marketing my startup

    @itisi Spamming reddit?
  3. S

    Ankle Bracelet Tracker for Kids of All Ages, Secure Ones, Need Key to Remove

    @lopolik I mean they are toddlers - not like they are going to secret meetings or anything.
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    Ankle Bracelet Tracker for Kids of All Ages, Secure Ones, Need Key to Remove

    @kneephite Kids go missing all over the world - what's American about it. It's so easy for you to lose your kid so having a simple way of tracking them makes sense. I mean - you watch them constantly but it only takes a split second for them to be taken.