Search results

  1. L

    The impact of my Reddit post: My product's SEO has exploded!

    @ds2002 I mean you could have also done that without including the link at the bottom which is kinda off tangent.
  2. L

    The impact of my Reddit post: My product's SEO has exploded!

    @ds2002 This is just a marketing post for next starter ai isn't it.
  3. L

    No one cares about your newsletter

    @woodsja00 How many newsletters are even written by actual people nowadays? So many "AI" marketing outfits have cropped up over the last couple years just spamming content into the void.
  4. L

    Making $190,000 per month with an AI dating assistant

    @jesrdking Yeah sure.
  5. L

    How many of these “how I made x thousand MRR in y months” are just ads?

    @poptart1919 Almost all. If you've been around it's blatantly obvious.