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  1. Z

    Seeking Advice: Startup Failed, Finances Ruined, Feeling Lost

    @cindie Also, credit card debt is better than being homeless. Only use it if absolutely necessary, but make sure you have sufficient available credit to get you through many months of unemployment or lower-paid employment. The time to seek credit is well before you actually need it, not when...
  2. Z

    Seeking Advice: Startup Failed, Finances Ruined, Feeling Lost

    @michaeldinunzio How does that pay the bills?
  3. Z

    Seeking Advice: Startup Failed, Finances Ruined, Feeling Lost

    @cindie Better to try and fail than to not try. Go find any job just to get out of your rut and avoid further debt. Study up on the latest in programming and I'm sure you'll have great opportunities ahead. Well over 90% of tech start-ups fail, and this is a brutal time. You have a lot of...