Search results

  1. M

    (x-post) Production management issues - $600K annual/9 full time employees

    @dave987 Lack of training, small labour market, lower wages? Most of them don't have exit interviews. For example, had two employees get in a fight this week. One quit on the spot (we were ready to fire him anyways), but he never came back, so no option for an exit interview. Now, that was an...
  2. M

    (x-post) Production management issues - $600K annual/9 full time employees

    @cedd660 Yes, I am considering implementing it at the start of next season. How did you go about implementing it? Were your staff hourly before?
  3. M

    (x-post) Production management issues - $600K annual/9 full time employees

    Hello all. I currently run a local service based business that has 9 full time employees and will generate $600K top line with a profit of roughly $90K this calendar year. I conservatively expect us to hit $900K-$1.1MM next year (if I can solve our production issues). Sales have been great this...