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  1. K

    Anyone here sell physical products?

    @mista_b Do you a lot of sku’s? I would imagine that industry relies on having a lot of different fragrances and possibly bottle sizes.
  2. K

    Anyone here sell physical products?

    @suzannemoore I have an old business partner that proves that out.
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    Anyone here sell physical products?

    @frizzybear Good luck! It’s a hell of a ride. Not for everyone, but if it’s for you, it’ll be great. I wish you all the success!
  4. K

    Anyone here sell physical products?

    @frizzybear That’s exactly what I did. Unfortunately the min. Order from the manufacturer is used was 1500. Luckily I sold out of those in about 10 months. Also, start with as few SKUs as possible. It took me two years to add my second product. That was more due to cash flow than anything...
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    Anyone here sell physical products?

    Wow…that does sound difficult. Does your business model involve finding clients to make the products for, and having to manage the sales channels for them?
  6. K

    Anyone here sell physical products?

    @fluffykits That’s amazing! How are you generating those sales? Through social media and email? And are you doing that all yourself or hiring out people? I tried selling DTC when I first launched, but it was costing more than my product cost. I was assuming that my price point wasn’t high...
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    Anyone here sell physical products?

    @fluffykits I totally agree. My products have a ceiling, so my goal is to drive down landed costs as much as I can.
  8. K

    Anyone here sell physical products?

    @fluffykits I appreciate your response. Im working on just getting profitable enough to keep the business alive, but I’m eager to get to a place where this can be my sole occupation. I love what I’m doing, and would love to be able to pay myself a livable wage so I can focus 100% on it. Having...
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    Anyone here sell physical products?

    @fluffykits When you say 100% profit are you talking about basically earning 2x after all costs and expenses?
  10. K

    Anyone here sell physical products?

    @afj92 Aha…awesome. Thanks for commenting. It’s always great to meet others on the retail side of this industry. I’m a huge fan of this space and everyone I met has been really great. Most people seem to enjoy what they do. Far different than the industries I was in in the past.
  11. K

    Anyone here sell physical products?

    @ghostlight Keep up the good work!
  12. K

    Anyone here sell physical products?

    @ghostlight I thought I replied to you, but it ended up in regular comments…anyway, here’s what I replied with: Wow…that does sound difficult. Does your business model involve finding clients to make the products for, and having to manage the sales channels for them? Edit: for more context, I...
  13. K

    Anyone here sell physical products?

    @buckeye_momof4 Also, from what I understand, 0 calorie for those counting.
  14. K

    Anyone here sell physical products?

    @fluffykits This is definitely something I’ve thought about. Unfortunately due to family, work, etc, we aren’t in a position to move right now. But it’s definitely something I have in the back of my mind.
  15. K

    Anyone here sell physical products?

    @james1971 I’m definitely finding that storage is becoming an issue. I’m in a fast growing cost of living area and renting warehouse space is extremely expensive (I haven’t found anything under $3500/month). My inventory is currently in 2 10x20 storage units. Works for now, but not ideal. I’m...
  16. K

    Anyone here sell physical products?

    @germatria1128 I’m sorry to hear this. But 25 years is quite an accomplishment. This new landscape does take a lot of knowledge and it feels like you have to be an expert in all of it. Or weed through the scammers who are promising to make you 6 figures a month.
  17. K

    Anyone here sell physical products?

    I ask because most of the posts I read here are from service providers. And while a decent amount of the info is relatable, I’d love to hear from people who sell physical products and have to deal with manufacturing, inventory, wholesale/retail/ecom sales, etc. As for my business, I own and...