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  1. K

    9k visitors, 700 registered users, 30 calls, ZERO customers

    @marc123 Yes, they simply stop using the product, they are redirected to a payment screen. What happens if the trial would be 3 days long? The same thing would happen.
  2. K

    First paying customers, and $1.1K MRR

    @forgivenacceptedsaved Can't disclose, I wouldn't be able to disclose the real numbers.
  3. K

    9k visitors, 700 registered users, 30 calls, ZERO customers

    @truescience4ever Genuinely asking - how are you getting people to pay you when you have nothing to offer - just a promise. I can't get people to pay when I have a lot to offer. How big of a problem do I have to solve for people to pay me for a product that doesn't exist yet? Do you believe...
  4. K

    First paying customers, and $1.1K MRR

    @oyinkan Direct Google Hackernews Various Directories
  5. K

    9k visitors, 700 registered users, 30 calls, ZERO customers

    @truescience4ever Yeah, this is the difference. How do you explain no paying customers though with all this interest and organic visitors?
  6. K

    First paying customers, and $1.1K MRR

    @reenmatty Right. It's something that doesn't scale, and this is what this post is exactly about - how we got our first two paying customers - by doing something that doesn't scale. Paul Graham has a good article about this:
  7. K

    9k visitors, 700 registered users, 30 calls, ZERO customers

    @truescience4ever This IS the validation. If I would've built the landing page only, collected thousands of emails (remember that we have 700 people signed up), no one would've bought it either. What's the difference?
  8. K

    9k visitors, 700 registered users, 30 calls, ZERO customers

    Forgot to mention in the original post that one of the calls was with a team from Amazon, and another one with a big transportation company.
  9. K

    First paying customers, and $1.1K MRR

    @baloyij The first one want to use it for themselves. The second company wants to use it to serve some of their clients.
  10. K

    9k visitors, 700 registered users, 30 calls, ZERO customers

    @joyfulspirit68 Yes, no feedback when I asked, I'll have to ping them again soon...
  11. K

    9k visitors, 700 registered users, 30 calls, ZERO customers

    @apachedog Well, isn't the SaaS a business as well? Why can't I use it daily for my own business?
  12. K

    9k visitors, 700 registered users, 30 calls, ZERO customers

    Forgot to mention, its a B2B product
  13. K

    9k visitors, 700 registered users, 30 calls, ZERO customers

    @fattony00 Thank you, this is exactly what I plan to do, I wrote a comment about this.
  14. K

    First paying customers, and $1.1K MRR

    @thomass I'll try to post some updates here, but keep it confidential because only in this way I can share the real numbers.
  15. K

    9k visitors, 700 registered users, 30 calls, ZERO customers

    Thank you for all the replies, I really appreciate it and thank you for understanding my decision to stay anonymous. After some thought and after reading some ideas here, I decided what to do next. I will try to understand what's wrong with the current flow, why users are not upgrading, here's...
  16. K

    9k visitors, 700 registered users, 30 calls, ZERO customers

    @racarvalho Yes, I understand. Thank you for your suggestions!
  17. K

    First paying customers, and $1.1K MRR

    @thomass I said that we have to get the customers one way or another. We will "force" them to use it if necessary. We're getting now around 4-5 calls a week, which means around 20 demos, we've got ~13 free trials, and 2 conversions. We needed this to make sure that the product solves a...
  18. K

    9k visitors, 700 registered users, 30 calls, ZERO customers

    @racarvalho yes, I guess you're right
  19. K

    9k visitors, 700 registered users, 30 calls, ZERO customers

    @inquiringmama Got it, I will look into it
  20. K

    First paying customers, and $1.1K MRR

    @613jono This is what we plan to do. Not sure whether to offer a free 7-day trial or not.