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  1. C

    Do the 8 weeks forgiveness period start at date of funding? Or is it any 8 week period within 6 months?

    @joey13 The law doesn’t say anything about that. Other laws say you have to make regularly scheduled payments to employees but I believe if its one off its fine. From my understanding you can also bonus out folks as long as you don’t exceed the 100k~ cap they have on annual compensation. I’ve...
  2. C

    Do the 8 weeks forgiveness period start at date of funding? Or is it any 8 week period within 6 months?

    @joey13 8 weeks from date of funds hitting your account.
  3. C

    (x-post) Production management issues - $600K annual/9 full time employees

    @msturtle I’m in hospitality and have a similar churn in employees. Have you considered piece rate pay? It was originally invented for manufacturing, paying employees by the piece produced. I use it in hospitality paying by the unit cleaned, and it is a natural controller to off-season payroll...