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    Are SaaS owners open to "DaaS"?

    @playon Great, I see how it's different from my site! Thank you
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    Are SaaS owners open to "DaaS"?

    @playon Sounds good, really appreciate your insight
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    Are SaaS owners open to "DaaS"?

    @playon Thanks for the comment, you are actually right I have been a bit distracted on who's my target audience. How's your friend approaching outreach? I've tried Linkedin and cold emailing with moderate success. Had high hopes for outreaching to producthunt startups but a disappointment so far.
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    Are SaaS owners open to "DaaS"?

    @zykiel It is a new model and I'm not saying I invented it, Design joy is actually my inspiration. The type of design I offer is more different and focused more on product design
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    Are SaaS owners open to "DaaS"?

    @mansingh Thanks so much, all great feedback to which I agree!
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    Are SaaS owners open to "DaaS"?

    @nina723 If you ever do, hit me up!
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    Are SaaS owners open to "DaaS"?

    @ophelias11garden Thank you for the feedback, I agree and overall it seems like my messaging on the website is not where it should be. I need to target the actual pain points mentioned in your comment and a couple others noted
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    Are SaaS owners open to "DaaS"?

    @trumpeter2 At designotion we give clients a 48 hour "trial" time in which they can get a full refund if the expectations are not there (after subscribing of course, as that would probably get us lots of people taking advantage of the service). Right, it might not fit your vision, but you can...
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    Are SaaS owners open to "DaaS"?

    @kates I hear you on the project management, and that is something which we hope to do on our end to an extent. So if we receive a design request for a landing page, you would expect we know the steps to bring that from idea to delivery. Our expectation is that you wouldn't have to do any more...
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    Are SaaS owners open to "DaaS"?

    Like the title reads, it seems companies are working with design agencies less and less in favor of an internal team as that agency process is quite annoying with meetings, estimations, and a scope which 99% of the times needs revision and additional costs. Obviously having an internal...