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  1. J

    What is a fair amount of time for lunch/breaks to offer your employees?

    @lucianne Like others said, check to see what the local requirements would be. Paid or unpaid? (It’s been well over a decade that I’ve been on the worker side) but 4 hours is so short, I think 15 min is adequate. No one is making a meal, just a quick smoke/chill/whatever and back to work...
  2. J

    Bookkeeper went 4-7 hours over her estimate but didn’t check in before billing me

    @jro1 First off, if you’ve got 12 hours of bookkeeping to get 2023 closed, you should probably have semi-annual/quarterly cleanups. 3 hours a quarter is better than an annual fix. Second, yeah, they should have communicated when they went over 8 and detailed why. But at the end of the day...
  3. J

    Sba lender wants 10 yrs of taxes

    @mikedo I’ll echo this. They can ask, and you can say no. Three years is common and anything older than that is ancient history. That being said, with $$$ on the line, I wouldn’t sink the ship for just this, but definitely push back.