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  1. C

    $10k in the Hole w/ Acquired Business - What Could I Do?

    @conservativechristian I own a cafe and 6 yrs in, we are MAYBE getting it to a self-sustaining business. You basically bought a startup so it’s impossible to be hands off. 🤦🏻‍♀️ 1) you need to aggressively market B2B by scheduling meetings with cafe owners. Know your market and don’t bring up K...
  2. C

    Just started my 3rd month painting apartments, $10k in revenue on the books

    @austriele We got a cheap small one for $50 and it’s still better than the extendo stick
  3. C

    Got laid off. In desperation mode!

    @natk Agreed: I feel like OP can balance spending an hour a day applying for new jobs with running his current business.