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  1. L

    Starting a Business - PayU vs. Razorpay for Online Payments (Need Advice!)

    @lelam Razorpay is the leader , payu is good too. Also check Juspay .
  2. L

    Anyone interested in joining a remote founders community?

    I'm a solopreneur but facing issues in getting started on my journey. I find it challenging to work without a team or someone to share progress with. Also I like helping/supporting other startups so thought of starting this community. Below are initial points. Benefits of joining community Get...
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    Tell some mistakes startup’s did often

    @jime Many. Mostly it’s about wrong direction or wrong execution.
  4. L

    Which is the best business sector

    @jaychildofchrist yes its "Valuation" game.. and growth at cost of anything.. but yes many profitable saas businesses also exist.. read about our own saas giant ZOHO ..
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    Which is the best business sector

    @jaychildofchrist Why worry about profitability? there is enough VC funding.. improve the product and acquire more customers.. Slack was acquired by Salesforce for $27bn...
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    Which is the best business sector

    @jaychildofchrist b2b saas seems most profitable..