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  1. I

    I found 18 growth hacking examples to inspire you for your next campaign. (Not only popular ones like Airbnb and Dropbox, even one from Tiger King)

    Hey guys, I was looking for an inspiration for myself and compiled this list. I was coming across to popular examples like Uber and Airbnb, so I dived deeper into the growth hacking ocean to put something different on the table. I included both popular and unpopular hacks to the list to...
  2. I

    The Dracula Strategy: Generating leads on LinkedIn by leeching the network of influencers

    @jackwhite Yes, I used it to attract people to my blog. Which was designed to convert with CTA's and pop-ups etc. But like I said, it's very flexible. You can approach for almost anything. If you have SaaS you might say, hey we're testing the product right now. You're an expert, would you like...
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    The Dracula Strategy: Generating leads on LinkedIn by leeching the network of influencers

    Hello guys, I'm a growth marketer and my expertise is content. I'm doing this strategy on LinkedIn recently and getting a lot of traffic to my blog. Even got some hot leads out of it with zero budget. It's a very short and potent 3-step strategy. Here I go. -- With Linkedin came new...
  4. I

    I read all 60 point landing page checklist articles on the internet, found it confusing then created a 14 point checklist for myself

    Hey guys, Most of the articles on the internet about landing pages have 60 point checklists. 60, serious? These lists suppose to help you but they can only create more confusion and anxiety. So I created my own list. It contains only major conversion points and triggers. And eventually, I...