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  1. T

    What do you do if your boss or client doesn't understand the value of AI (or are worried about using it)?

    @bubby348 Sometimes asking a question first can help... (on reddit and with your boss) Instead of "we can automate 50% of our customer support with AI" Try: "Is there a need to automate 50% of customer support"? Many things can happen after that question They ask how, and you tell them it...
  2. T

    What do you do if your boss or client doesn't understand the value of AI (or are worried about using it)?

    @bubby348 Did you post the question and answer it? haha For bosses, show don't tell, convey it in terms of money or time saved. If they don't show interest, don't beat a dead horse
  3. T

    My SaaS just crossed $1,000 in revenue in 4 months

    @drita Love this, congratulations on the milestone! 🚀