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  1. J

    (SUGGESTION NEEDED)App almost done and almost ready to launch. How do I reward my developers

    @tory Look up employee stock options, and the concept of vesting.
  2. J

    (SUGGESTION NEEDED)App almost done and almost ready to launch. How do I reward my developers

    @tory Equity is not a payment for services - it represents you giving away decision-making power in your company. If you want to reward them, do it with cash, or with a tiny tiny allocation of stock which they earn over time.
  3. J

    Why don’t incubators/accelerators provide technical assistance?

    @karubin I think those examples - social media, bookings, ecommerce - are so flooded already with excellent products that anyone hoping to steal market share also needs tech expertise in the team. Other ventures whose website/tech aspect isn't as critical, who can get away with less innovative...
  4. J

    Why don’t incubators/accelerators provide technical assistance?

    @karubin But I think most ventures without serious expertise in the sector they work in will fail. Tech ventures need tech founders, just as ventures working in education/finance/health need founders with direct relevant experience if those sectors. If the tech is peripheral to the venture, just...
  5. J

    Why don’t incubators/accelerators provide technical assistance?

    @karubin Because without a tech cofounder or early stage team member, a tech venture won't thrive. Contractors are too expensive to build a pre revenue tech product in nearly all cases and even if they weren't, it takes a founder with a serious tech savvy to properly create and scope a tech project.
  6. J

    If you want to join an accelerator program this year, these are the only ones left

    @mrmajesty There are hundreds if not thousands of accelerators in the world.
  7. J

    If you want to join an accelerator program this year, these are the only ones left

    @mrmajesty Yeah I'm just saying these aren't, like, the only incubators left!
  8. J

    If you want to join an accelerator program this year, these are the only ones left

    @mrmajesty That's not true - there are hundreds of thousands of accelerators and incubators. Anyone in a major metro area with a viable business idea should be able to find support.