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  1. S

    [INTRO] Bitfortip | Tip Bitcoins as an incentive | Earn Bitcoins for being helpful

    Service Description Bitfortip offers a unique use case thanks to Bitcoin. Use Bitfortip to: Find a item (i.e. a dress ) that you saw on a magazine,website, Pinterest or Instagram and you don't know where to buy it online. You can upload it as photo using your smartphone and ask...
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    [Feedback] Needed on my Bitcoin App service and suggestions on how to further promote it

    @adventurer83 Hi there, thank for you long reply. ;) I know that it is kind of tricky for an average user to post an inquiry at first. But once he get's the hang of it. It's pretty easy. There's also a buy bitcoin button and you just copy paste the BTC address to your bitfortip account to fund...
  3. S

    [Feedback] Needed on my Bitcoin App service and suggestions on how to further promote it

    Hi all, First time here in this thread. So a few weeks ago I launched my app on Google Play. Bitfortip Tip Bitcoins as an incentive | Earn Bitcoins for being helpful The name BITFORTIP comes from 3 words Bit = Bitcoin for = for Tip = information/tip The idea came to my mind when I...