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    Attorney saying we need a BoD?

    @mc25 And the attorney is also right that you should have stock issuance, unless you purposefully have something very non-standard going on in your corporate structure.
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    Joining a 1 year old startup as a late co-founder, what should my equity be?

    @biblequest I am somewhat skeptical of what they are offering, see my other post.
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    Joining a 1 year old startup as a late co-founder, what should my equity be?

    @thatoldsailboat Agreed not necessarily nefarious, but if this is the case, calls into question how far along this "startup" actually is. The more things look like what you're outlining, the more it suggests that there isn't a "there, there" (yet), and thus that a "fair" amount of equity is...
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    Joining a 1 year old startup as a late co-founder, what should my equity be?

    @biblequest Why are they bringing on "cofounders" and not "standard" employees?
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    Should I apply for YC with just an idea and MVP or attempt to get it to revenue generating first?

    @johnpatmos211503 No reason not to apply now. If they say no now, you can always reapply later (I think this is true much more for YC than almost any other early-stage funding source--take advantage of it). That said, I'd treat applying to YC in one of two ways (and I think most people should...
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    Should I apply for YC with just an idea and MVP or attempt to get it to revenue generating first?

    @coloradogrrrl21 He/she is at MBB (and was a PM at a Series B, to boot!), will check that "elite" checkbox, unless OP is in some sort of weird tertiary role at MBB.
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    YC founder thinks AI Wrappers are doomed to fail

    @shamakwa If you don't need capital, you don't care. If you ever need any capital, you care. There is no real capital market for small (but supposedly lower risk) ideas.
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    Re:Invent thoughts

    @tippie36 Obviously. Implementing them correctly/maximally is quite hard, however, as I discussed in my post. Historically, AWS has not been great at pushing SOTA on AI. They have basically zero successes that they can point to here. Alexa alone is an example of the massive amount of money...
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    Re:Invent thoughts

    @tippie36 1) Amazon has traditionally been not great with AI-based services that aren't heavily (at a foundational level) commoditized. If it turns out that all of these services are 99% LLM and 1% final polish, Amazon (or whichever of the big guys has the best LLM) will win. If it turns...