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  1. J

    I started my first company at 24. I think I was too young and inexperienced

    Didn’t focus on the right things and ended up struggling. That first experience was difficult. But it also taught me a lot. I have been building my 2nd business for a year now. I am 29 now. And the experience is entirely different. It’s 10x more fun and easy. Here is why...
  2. J

    Startup Failure: 5 Hard-Earned Lessons From The Online Course Industry

    In April 2020, my co-founder and I launched a live online course platform for professionals. We ran courses we called "sprints". Live, actionable, short courses ran by cohort. A sprint lasted 3 to 5 days. Think of them as cheap mini-bootcamps. In December 2020, we decided to call it off. We...
  3. J

    Word of mouth tactics and examples you should check out

    @goodfaithfellowship This is great well done!!
  4. J

    Word of mouth tactics and examples you should check out

    @jennieflanagan Thanks! :)
  5. J

    Word of mouth tactics and examples you should check out

    @annaliseh You're absolutely right. We're actually removing all that extra info request on our new website launching in a couple of weeks. Thanks for signing up if you did! And thanks for the recommendation, really appreciated!
  6. J

    Word of mouth tactics and examples you should check out

    Let’s talk about Word Of Mouth (WOM) for a minute. I’ve compiled some great WOM tactics and examples for you. By the way, WOM is different from referral tactics (which imply a transaction: financial, gift,…). WOM tactics are about giving people: “A reason to talk about your stuff, and make...
  7. J

    Uber Branding's History - And 4 Lessons on Startup Branding

    Uber was founded in 2009. In 11 years, they have already changed their branding 5 times. That’s a lot. Of course, it’s not for the love of design. Branding changes, especially at scale, are expensive and time-consuming. But if you look at these changes and why they were made, we can learn...
  8. J

    My guide to throwing great referral campaigns

    While preparing this write-up on referral programs, the first thing I thought about was: If I see another Dropbox example, I swear I’ll lose my sh$#! Jokes aside, referral programs can be life-changing for your business. In short, a referral program is when you reward people for talking about...