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    How to Generate Business Ideas p. 1

    @djazz absolutely! Happy to help! Both rage and vanity are viceral instigators. Think of what social media or news posts get the most comments. The news media really is great at drumming up outrage and social media sites like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook are build on vanity. This is similar...
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    How to Generate Business Ideas p. 1

    @bobcat1950 Hey great to hear you're getting value from this. No books I can cite directly, more-so just brainstormed a list based on observations I've had of different approaches people take. I do think those two you picked are some of the strongest if you can landgrab or build search ranking
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    How to Generate Business Ideas p. 1

    @paulus59 Here you are:\_to\_generate\_business\_ideas\_p2/
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    How to Generate Business Ideas p. 1

    @paulus59 Yeah, thats the plan
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    How to Generate Business Ideas p. 1

    @sanjoe3 Oh nice! Thanks for the recommendations! I haven't read any of these
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    How to Generate Business Ideas p. 1

    People often say “scratch your own itch” or “find someone with a problem”. I find this advice rather frustrating for a number of reasons I won’t go into right now. The following are an incomplete list of business models which I’ve listed to help you brainstorm ideas for your next startup! Let me...