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  1. D

    I am building job board as a service - will it work? thoughts?

    @midst I was in that space for about 20 years. The key to success for a job board (or any "marketplace" for that matter) is to deliver value to both sides - in this case job seekers and employers. Those features are just the basics that any job board needs. If you want your customers to...
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    So I’m an AI scientist trying to come up with an idea for SaaS

    @nommie Stay close to a subject you already have some expertise in beyond data science. With your 8 years of experience you might have developed a good understanding of the space your employer is in? Or maybe you have friends or family in a industry you find interesting and they could help you...
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    Four months in, I’m exhausted

    @me247 It is "normal" for a first startup when you are all trying to figure things out. Do yourself a favor and join your local incubator. They will help you learn the ropes much quicker than if you try to learn it all by yourself.
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    Day 2 of running ads on Reddit. What's happening here?

    @rannykay If your target market is on Facebook it is a pretty good place to advertise. Avid users there can’t tell between facts and fiction so they are pretty easy to influence. /yes, I’m generalizing, but it isn’t far from the truth.
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    Day 2 of running ads on Reddit. What's happening here?

    @harmonyindissonance I enjoy wasting time on reddit, but its user base is pretty much anti-ad... Never had good ROI with it.
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    Ways of growing my Twitter/X audience for a saas

    @jaengmei Why bother? Are you selling MAGA hats? Twitter is toxic. I purposely don't buy from companies who advertise there.