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    Paddle vs lemonsqueezy

    @christianflies Fair enough, you got the USA and 27 European countries covered. How about the U.K. and about 100 other countries where you are required to pay taxes? See, the problem with paying taxes globally is that it is not something that can be managed internally. You can be right for a...
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    Paddle vs lemonsqueezy

    @christianflies I am also interested to know how you manage VAT filling and remittance with Stripe.
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    Idea validation - C.F.O. services for startups

    @onisim You are right and I would strongly advise against my own solution for a company which generates enough revenue to pay the salary of its own CFO (70K minimum in the USA). My target is really the startups, companies without the financial ability to hire a CFO but who are looking for more...
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    Idea validation - C.F.O. services for startups

    @613jono You are right and I feel a bit stupid... I should have googled "administrative services for startups" before posting here. And the idea is not new; one of the first result is a link to an article dated June 2001. And the top ranking is "The Startup Admin"...
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    Idea validation - C.F.O. services for startups

    @gladysrivera Thanks for your answer. I had a look at their website and I agree with you: I would not pay 500 bucks for bookkeeping services. I think that my main problem here will be to explain to potential clients what could be the R.O.I. of having a personal CFO. Bookkeeping should only be a...
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    Idea validation - C.F.O. services for startups

    @ryushin Thanks for your answer. In fact, my plan is to differentiate myself by offering financial dashboards and cost accounting management, something that is always set aside by the bookkeeping firms. 20 years ago, the first CPA who hired me told me once that if we think that we should only...
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    Idea validation - C.F.O. services for startups

    Hello fellow Redditors, I would like to validate a need for accounting services handcrafted for startups. First, let me introduce myself. I'm a French citizen who has been living in the Philippines for the past 16 years. I'm a CFO by profession but an entrepreneur by heart. I have 3 failed...