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  1. M

    What are the top 3 or 5 sweaty startup businesses that meet these requirements?

    @prothomas Indoor painter maybe?
  2. M

    Why did you choose to start a Sweaty Startup?

    @conradrocks I assume all or most businesses start for that reason 🙂
  3. M

    Why did you choose to start a Sweaty Startup?

    @muyale This is really inspiring to read. I love how you build it from scratch and all the way to being #1. You didn't just get lucky, you're probably skilled at what you do too. Thanks for sharing the story 🙏
  4. M

    Why did you choose to start a Sweaty Startup?

    @muyale I've no experience in any success of business. But hopefully I'll experience those things in the near future. What makes it more difficult over 10 employees? How did you get your first clients?
  5. M

    Why did you choose to start a Sweaty Startup?

    @muyale I read about the lack of skilled workers. It seems to be enormous.
  6. M

    Why did you choose to start a Sweaty Startup?

    @newmove Don't forget that there are construction billionaires as well. Some of them even became president 😅
  7. M

    Why did you choose to start a Sweaty Startup?

    @newmove More money than tech or ecommerce?
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    Why did you choose to start a Sweaty Startup?

    @anij34 Good one 😅
  9. M

    Why did you choose to start a Sweaty Startup?

    @elmer1444twick I was recently trying to start an online store, but it seems like the investment is higher than expected. Finding suppliers is more difficult than I would think and competition is high.
  10. M

    Why did you choose to start a Sweaty Startup?

    For those of you who already have achieved and somewhat succeeded, why did you go for a sweaty startup instead of i.e. e-commerce or tech?