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    Building my $50,000/Month SaaS in Public

    @dkayeb Yeah I don’t even bother with DO droplets or containerization right now. I just use managed services in Azure and so simple CI CD with GitHub actions. It’s not “cool and sexy” per se, but it’s simple, automates a bunch of crap for me, and lets me work on my actual product.
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    I built Microsoft Teams App that makes 200k/ARR. AMA!

    @scsethiopia Hi there, sure! You can dm me and I’ll be happy to setup a time to chat!
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    I built Microsoft Teams App that makes 200k/ARR. AMA!

    @alexander92 No definitely not! Your backend can be whatever you want it to be! Most of the services have REST API services that you can use - that’s what I do - and it’s backend-agnostic. My backend is .NET but that’s because I love .NET.
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    I built Microsoft Teams App that makes 200k/ARR. AMA!

    @baconwizard I mean, considering the Slack groups, subreddits, and Twitter groups that I am a part of, I’ve never come across a single dev building a Microsoft tool for one of their big apps like myself and OP. Maybe Microsoft just isn’t a popular topic of choice in the startup world? I’m not...
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    I built Microsoft Teams App that makes 200k/ARR. AMA!

    @dirtyglove I got so excited about your story that I shared it to my Twitter. There’s a big community around the #buildinpublic and #indiehackers hashtags, so I shared it with all of them. Maybe that’ll get you some extra exposure! So hyped after reading your post, you’re the ONLY person I’ve...
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    I built Microsoft Teams App that makes 200k/ARR. AMA!

    @dirtyglove Thanks for your feedback! I hope to join you in your MRR range one of these days soon!
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    I built Microsoft Teams App that makes 200k/ARR. AMA!

    @dirtyglove THIS IS WHAT I’M HERE FOR. YES, a real indie hacker with a really cool micro SaaS app and not another trash GPT wrapper. So I’m building a micro SaaS for Microsoft’s analytics platform Power BI called Displagent. It’s my first app ever and has been a huge learning experience, I’m at...
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    I handpicked 11 SaaS user onboarding products for you to use

    @alfie13 Some of these tools are SO expensive… I sometimes wish there was a minimal, cheap one for small teams or solo founders like me. Maybe that’s a corner of the market that someone could capitalize on. Anyone use Mixpanel for app analytics? I’m slowly using it more and more.
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    How many of these “how I made x thousand MRR in y months” are just ads?

    @poptart1919 I really can’t stand those type of posts. I’m only nearing $1K MRR after two years for my micro SaaS. My SeCrET?!!!??!!!?!!??!!? I work my butt off and it’s a painful freaking grind, especially solo and with a day job. Lol.
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    Building cross-platform desktop software is hard!

    @coady Can confirm, founder of Displagent, using Electron, had to setup custom CI CD with CircleCI, lots of stupid bugs, hard as heck.
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    We Won the fight against Cheaters and Bots

    @wizz Product Hunt is an absolute joke of a platform.
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    10K MRR after 3 years

    @ally143 100%, I have unsubscribed from the newsletter because I’m so tired of that crap. They constantly glamorize the “I made XXXXXX $ in 10 days” type founder stories, and I’m tired of it. This post is way more relatable to me, only nearing $500 MRR after 1.75 years of work...