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  1. P

    If you're interested in user referral programs, feel free to join our free course!

    Here’s the link! If you’re looking for feedback specific to your referral program, or just want help launching your referral program shoot me an email
  2. P

    If you're interested in user referral programs, feel free to join our free course!

    I’ve been running a course over zoom on getting referral programs to work for my Y Combinator W‘19 batchmates, and wanted to open this up to more people now. It’s based on 30+ referral programs we launched, and seeing what works and what doesn’t. the format is simple - (a) what needs to be...
  3. P

    What I learned from going through the Y Combinator: sales & marketing

    @delabeaux yup, check this out
  4. P

    What I learned from going through the Y Combinator: sales & marketing

    I love helping startups launch user referral programs. My startup has helped 26 Y Combinator companies launch viral referral programs (no-code, visual UI builder, fully integrated inside your platform) so if you’re looking for something that works for great startups, get in touch! Even if you...
  5. P

    What I learned from going through the Y Combinator: sales & marketing

    What I learned from going through the Y Combinator: sales & marketing biggest takeaway from completing Y Combinator was learning that while there is tons and tons of differing advice on the internet, there sees to be a definite right approach/cannonical pathway for startup success. here‘s a...