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    My learnings on cold email – in case helpful to any other founders

    @cats Thanks for sharing your experiences. What is your conversion to demo %? So of every 1,000 step 1 emails (not including follow up emails), how many result in a demo? We have done all the above steps you mentioned and have a maybe 0.15% demo rate which I feel like is super low. So for...
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    My learnings on cold email – in case helpful to any other founders

    @cats What does "tracking" here mean? Smartlead tracks it also no?
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    Where to live during Y Combinator?

    @lillian2014 How expensive are these typically? I assume they will be like 200/300 a night since they are short term..
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    I studied how Brex (YC W17) went from zero to $12.3 billion company in just 6 years

    @nathalie_hyacint How many emails did it take to get to your first customer? We have sent 500 emails so far with a 50% open rate, 2.5% (of total emails sent) reply rate, and a meeting rate of 0.3% (again of total emails sent) so far. Just curious how your funnel looked like..