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  1. M

    Is my plant site too simple to launch?

    @tammy1957 That's one of the things I want to improve. Even though I'm bringing in plants and availability info from a bunch of stores, I don't use their images unless I get permission from them. Hoping to get more stores to agree or find additional sources of images. I'm using wikipedia as a...
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    Is my plant site too simple to launch?

    @madgirlsec Source data is being scraped from different sources - primarily plant shops, wikipedia, etc. I have a partially-manual partially-ml approach for labeling products as plants (using recognized scientific names for the most part) and using ML to extract info and summaries from that data...
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    Is my plant site too simple to launch?

    @lukas741 Thanks! I took a lot of inspiration from other sites so can't take too much credit for the design
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    Is my plant site too simple to launch?

    @searching4the1 Thanks for your perspective, I hadn’t thought about it like that. Also your site is so sick! I was into photography a couple years ago and I would have loved something like this. Might reach out after launch with a couple questions about how you’re driving traffic and whatnot...
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    Is my plant site too simple to launch?

    @dbg Thanks for the encouragement! I think you're right. One reason I'm hesitant is that I'm also using this "launch" to more or less validate my idea. If it doesn't gain any traction it might be time to move on to something else. But I think I've delayed long enough.
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    Is my plant site too simple to launch?

    I’m getting ready to launch my project ( but I’m not sure if it’s really ready. It’s a site to help users explore and discover plants. It aggregates plant offerings and info from across online stores. I think the site looks good and works well but my concern is that it's too...
  7. M

    I spent 200 hours building a tool that creates faster and more efficient routes than Google Maps

    @christianmedic Do the travel estimates which go into the optimization account for traffic or speed? Or is it strictly distance based?