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  1. J

    17 year old looking to start own business

    @whitab I’ve cleaned the ones gutters and put up Christmas lights at times
  2. J

    17 year old looking to start own business

    @ammo1113 Thank you so much
  3. J

    17 year old looking to start own business

    @ammo1113 Alright I’ll work on a good sales pitch for it and start designing a logo and flyer
  4. J

    17 year old looking to start own business

    @ammo1113 I really appreciate and love the ideas you have, I’ll have to look into that, I don’t live in a great area not a lot of room for some of that but I’ll look into places within driving distances to get into that market, thank you so much
  5. J

    17 year old looking to start own business

    @doubtingdisciple Yeah I saw a guy that made like 10k his first month(which is more then most people would make by a lot) but just shows you what you can do with time and hard work
  6. J

    17 year old looking to start own business

    Just like the title says, I’m 17 I have a good bit of money stored away but I need to start working soon and I don’t really want to work 9-5 for someone else. I saw a post one time that said I’d rather work 100 week working for myself and toward something I’m interested and motivated in then...