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  1. G

    New Social Media Platform

    @1nttoservejesus Another good call! We've had good traction so far with communities that already have money being transferred, so your weekly meetup for pints, your 5-a-side football teams, even groups planning to travel. Each of them wants one central place to pass information, and at one...
  2. G

    New Social Media Platform

    @1nttoservejesus Again a really good point. I think users will see a value in the product as a way to organise events and groups, and then see further value in facilitating conversation and utilising other functionality within the system. I think the reward to the user is in two parts. One is...
  3. G

    New Social Media Platform

    @canxietluc123 Yes a quite valid point. However I also think with 'microcommunities' (hen-do, 5-a side, regular get togethers) hosted on Whatsapp, WeChat etc I think we have a key selling point in how we organise and how our functionality keeps them from having to piece together multiple...
  4. G

    New Social Media Platform

    @canxietluc123 Great points. I think the key aspect is we fill lots of gaps that Facebook, Insta, and Venmo don't. People now understand that facebook harvests their data and floods their user experience with ad's which aren't relevant to them, so giving them an alternative has its merits. I...
  5. G

    New Social Media Platform

    @wandering_mike I dont believe they are a direct competitor, as our space is with organisers or those who have existing WhatsApp groups who are struggling. I like how Brave looks though and I think they are a perfect complimentory product (as I dont see us as having an Either/Or play) Good...
  6. G

    New Social Media Platform

    @mcarans Good question. I think three key things differentiate: PISP - We will be one of the first PISP's in the UK (allowing us to initiate bank payments). So you can do everything from making payments to a buddy, to collecting payments as a business You own your group's data completely...
  7. G

    New Social Media Platform

    We have launched a new social network called Padoq. Our Platform doesn't use your data and allows you to make money from ad's you allow to be run (eventually). We have been discussing the main use for this product, and have isolated three key categories. Flow of money between users...