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    My family is considering a sale of our manufacturing business. How realistic is a successful sale?

    @srdtrinity Thank you for this input. Yes these numbers are excluding things like insurance policies we have cashed and other misc income/expenses. I’m thinking I have not been realistic enough with myself. I agree with the 3 options you laid out, obviously number 3 is out. My aunt is set on...
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    My family is considering a sale of our manufacturing business. How realistic is a successful sale?

    @ivnmetal My aunt owns the building under another company technically, but that could definitely be included in the sale of the business. I agree whoever purchases will eventually clean house, maybe keeping on a couple of key employees.
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    My family is considering a sale of our manufacturing business. How realistic is a successful sale?

    @alpacaone Yes, I've posted about the situation a few times now. She has had a few conversations with others who sold their businesses which is a decent start. Next I plan to introduce her to a business sales advisor I was referred to and see if there is a fit. I have no ownership. I know I...
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    My family is considering a sale of our manufacturing business. How realistic is a successful sale?

    @simonsayz Don't want to get anyone's hopes up but I'd be happy to talk. I'll shoot you a message.
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    My family is considering a sale of our manufacturing business. How realistic is a successful sale?

    @simonsayz Thank you for this, it does help me think about other options than a complete handover of the business. The taking care of employees we do let go of is great and would help soften the blow to them and my aunt. I really like the idea of profit sharing as part of the transaction...
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    My family is considering a sale of our manufacturing business. How realistic is a successful sale?

    @simonsayz A good number would be let go in any scenario. I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place, I know there are some major flaws in her thinking but have to advocate for her in conversations at the same time. I can't just steam roll with her being the owner. She wants me to stay on. I am...
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    My family is considering a sale of our manufacturing business. How realistic is a successful sale?

    Some background: My family has owned and operated a small contract manufacturing business for 40 years now. I came on in 2019 to continue and eventually take control of the business. I've wrestled at length with this, and have decided that I need to leave the company meaning we have to look...