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    The Crazy Story of

    @przemek I’ll send you a dm 👍
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    The Crazy Story of

    @przemek It’s a great story, but one that would look quite different for a new founder bootstrapping. In that case I wouldn’t recommend trying paid ads - you don’t have the critical mass for it be effective like big platforms. Instead you have to get more personal with your audience like using...
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    SaaS founders, how long do you take to build the first versions of your SaaS?

    @daddyjeanom Haha I've been there dude...I used to spend months perfecting and automating every part of my products. But its not sustainable. You have to get really harsh with yourself about what mvp truly means for your product and hold yourself accountable to it. The more code you write =...
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    Supademo AI is live on Product Hunt!!

    @foc777 This looks awesome. Classic example of how now we're seeing much more conviction with AI in the SaaS space. Starting to see more examples of products like this that are most than just a ChatGPT wrapper. So is this recording the HTML as you go through the page, and then allowing you to...
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    My rollercoaster journey from $0 to $1k/mo, all the way to $30k/mo, and then failure (back to $0/mo)

    @miles77 Exactly. When and who you listen to is really important. If you listen to every bit of feedback you get you'll end up with multiple conflicting priorities. The 'art' is controlling this so that it benefits the most people while still sticking true to your vision for your product.
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    My rollercoaster journey from $0 to $1k/mo, all the way to $30k/mo, and then failure (back to $0/mo)

    @sen_ This is the most important bit for me. I'm a product manager its kind of my bread and butter. How you go about product development is super important. If you're just making assumptions and building what you think your users want instead of talking to them and building what they...
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    Beware of - " I will build your SaaS for x amount " scam

    @mooneypn yea definitely. such a shame theres so many people on here that can offer so much value to people in this kind of situation but the bad apples just challenge that trust.
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    I studied how Trello went from being bootstrapped to a $425 million acquisition. Here is what I found

    @luvthetruth 100%. the audience is always hardest. even if you have a great idea you need the audience first to know what to build. first few products i spent like 6 months building in silent and then nobody used it in the end. now i try to get ~ 100 people on a waitlist first before building...
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    How does it sounds to you?

    @sunset1 From the post it sounds like the project is currently not live whereas the tech stack sounds to me like what I'd expect from a well established product. If you're building an MVP, really you should be spending as little time as possible on the technical side of things and more time...
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    Bootstrapped SaaS hits $5500 MRR in 3 days of launch. Here’s how I did it:

    @kevin33 point 2 is it for me. most completely neglect waitlists. when I started building saas about 5 years ago I used to spend all my time on the tech and do barely any marketing/sales. really struggled to find users and usually just ended up moving onto something else. saw others have...
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    Generative AI seems to be a hot topic, but I’m having a hard time finding good examples of how to build a SaaS off of it

    @matt55 yea if you're just using a public pre-trained model you're just designing a prompt that works for the business case. Theres lots of examples these days that are basically doing this. The ones that do more than just 'wrap up' a model and actually add real value will survive long term. I...
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    9k visitors, 700 registered users, 30 calls, ZERO customers

    @khan1123 Not sure about this. Feels a bit intrusive. Plus I don’t think that’s why Figma have a lot of free users - that’s just part of their model now they are so big. Do you have any analytics about how much people are engaging with the product during the trial? Like are the leaving after a...