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  1. A

    The platform which helps startup founders to reach investors and to grow is looking for the CTO-guru to join our team!

    @maryh Thats a great idea! And potential revenue stream ;) Thank you, d-cerge, I'll forward it to our team and we'll see how to realise it!
  2. A

    The platform which helps startup founders to reach investors and to grow is looking for the CTO-guru to join our team!

    @maryh Hi d-cerge, Thanks so much for your advices! About loading - already forwarded to our current developer. Hopefully he can handle with it quite easy ;) As about languages, that is what we're thinking about. At first we wanted to implement automatic translation tool on InnMind which...
  3. A

    The platform which helps startup founders to reach investors and to grow is looking for the CTO-guru to join our team!

    Hi /startup community members! Few months ago we launched InnMind - the platform which helps startups from worldwide to reach investors, mentors, corporate clients and business partners globally. Why is it different from others? Because we ourselves are a startup, who passed through all the...