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    Do you ever feel like your co-founders are not competent even though you can't prove it?

    @cathyhlikesflowers Thank you for the detailed response despite all the unknowns in my question
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    Do you ever feel like your co-founders are not competent even though you can't prove it?

    @aachen_hexagon I appreciate you taking the time to write this. I don't mind any negative feedback because I understand they don't have the full picture
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    Do you ever feel like your co-founders are not competent even though you can't prove it?

    @kkcarter215 If you have had any conversations that worked please share. And if you have worked with multiple teams and can compare please do as well
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    Do you ever feel like your co-founders are not competent even though you can't prove it?

    @miabby Can you give an example of a version 1 product? What is included and what's excluded for the sake of time? I believe our issue is that if I set a 2 week deadline the product is so dysfunctional that you can't call it version 1
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    Do you ever feel like your co-founders are not competent even though you can't prove it?

    @newbie2016 This is a fair assessment. I agree that they are better coders than me. Specially now that I've been away from that for a while. And as I said given enough time they produce really good quality code. But I'm hesitant to work with a VC or get into a client deal where expectations are...
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    Do you ever feel like your co-founders are not competent even though you can't prove it?

    @mormarw Thank you so much for the detailed response
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    Do you ever feel like your co-founders are not competent even though you can't prove it?

    @mormarw Thank you. I think out of all the replies so far this one is the closest to my situation. Of course I do take a lot of the responsibility for this situation and it's very possible that I'm not as good of a CEO as I could be. However, I don't think our issue is lack of communication like...
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    Do you ever feel like your co-founders are not competent even though you can't prove it?

    @613jono Haha I'm certainly not the most competent CEO. But obviously I've seen so many good qualities in them that I don't want to lose this team unless I absolutely have to. That's why I'm seeking help in these two areas: 1- Are my expectations wrong or unjustified? 2- What can I do to...
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    Do you ever feel like your co-founders are not competent even though you can't prove it?

    Hi everyone, I hope this can resonate with someone and they are willing to share their feeling or help me understand where I'm thinking wrong. I've been a startup CEO for 9+ years now with the same group of collegemates. We're all technical and have lots of experience working and even living...