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  1. B

    Feeling demotivated and a bit lost after applying to YC, anyone?

    @valeska Wait until you get your rejection letter. *That* will motivate you to "show them." Worked for us. We went from $50K to $500K ARR since our rejection last year. :-)
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    So I’m an AI scientist trying to come up with an idea for SaaS

    @nommie I don't know how I come with ideas. But I do , constantly. Here is one. The entire publishing industry is messed up. Authors write books and then query agents, sometimes for years. After they hook an agent the agent pitches publishers. Some of the best books ever written languished for...
  3. B

    I built a website where you can get a shoutout on the homepage for 1$

    @lin1966 This is brilliant! I bought slot #18. Reminds me of the Million Dollar Home page. Which is still there. I bought a 10X10 pixel area for $100 way back then. What's cool is I will check back later and see that #19 has replaced me and I will spend...
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    A Bootstrapped SaaS Story: from $0 to $10K MRR

    @rae171710 What a great story! This would make a good full length book. Your comments on support are pure gold. Taking those to heart.
  5. B

    I built a website where you can get a shoutout on the homepage for 1$

    @ouad I bought a 10x10 back in the day. It's the dice cube showing three dots about 1/3 down near the center. Sadly you cannot update the link.