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  1. F

    2 years in but still struggling to get any users - Any advice?

    @phoenixrisinggirl17 Thanks! Target audience in general will be any business that relies on reviews like restraunts, dentists etc so audience can be quite broad but right now I'm focusing on restraunts. Improve Google ranking and reputation management. The product will allow business owners...
  2. F

    2 years in but still struggling to get any users - Any advice?

    @anxiousonthebrightside Thanks for the advice mate, appreciate it! I think the problem it will solve from their perspective will be improving their ranking on Google as if they have more reviews that they are getting and interacting with, ranking will improve. But you make a good point about...
  3. F

    2 years in but still struggling to get any users - Any advice?

    @phoenixrisinggirl17 Yhh not really tbh. Will do in the future
  4. F

    2 years in but still struggling to get any users - Any advice?

    @forgivenandloved 1 out of fhe 12 seemed genuinly intrested and said she would pass on my leaflet to her manager. The others were mainly waiters/staff so were not really a key decision maker Business owners are able to reply to reviews through thier Google My Business account but what...
  5. F

    2 years in but still struggling to get any users - Any advice?

    @jesusreigns777 Apprecicate this and I can understand where your coming from but I really think theres a market for this. There are many players in the reputation manaagment space like, etc. and they dont seem to be utilising AI.
  6. F

    2 years in but still struggling to get any users - Any advice?

    So I posted here around 9 months ago but I am still kind of in the same position unfortunately. I started working on my project around July 2022 and have had a working MVP from summer 2023. My Saas product helps businesses see and reply to Google reviews and also sends out bulk e-mails to...