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  1. J

    Tips to improve email performance

    @wanderer61 Thank you for your feedback and suggestion :)
  2. J

    5 ways to speed up your product’s experience

    We don't like to wait or in other words, we don't like slow experiences. It is not guaranteed that you will able to sell your product based on the fast experience only like superhuman and fast checkout do but fast experience will have a competitive edge and slow experience might force your user...
  3. J

    Tips to improve email performance

    @meldrum Yes, email service providers have this feature. For example, sendgrid provide ip in Pro and Premier plan.
  4. J

    Tips to improve email performance

    Setup This section is little bit technical. Add below records in your DNS. - SPF(Sender Policy Framework) to identify allowed mail servers. - DKIM(Domain Keys Identified Mail) to add a digital signature for verification. - DMARC (Domain-based Messaging and Reporting Compliance) to specify what...
  5. J

    Use the “getting started” checklist for new users to improve product adoption

    @sphynx Yeah, I have already added that point.
  6. J

    Use the “getting started” checklist for new users to improve product adoption

    Here is the mockup for reference. ✍️ Tips Show first task already done (e.g. Account Created). Design task to show the value of product i.e. how this product can solve user’s problem. Guide user on how to complete the task. Analyze & Optimize: Completion rate, Task completion time, Skipped...