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  1. F

    £1k for a logo design?

    @worldtraveler I’m a publisher that deals with advertisers and this is absolutely correct. I see a lot of clients trying to advertise with a shit png logo and no standards on colors or type facing. Sure they saved a bit of money on a logo, but they risked the next million that they’ve spent on...
  2. F

    Seeking Advice: Startup Failed, Finances Ruined, Feeling Lost

    @cindie People say life is short, but life is long. Very long. Just focus on living it such that you don’t want to kill yourself every day. And be kind to yourself. If your best friend was going through this you’d be kind and supportive to them - so do that kindness yourself too. Chin up. Once...
  3. F

    Seeking Advice: Startup Failed, Finances Ruined, Feeling Lost

    @cindie This is really a philosophy question, not a business one. You sound a lot like me when I was 25 though Just washed out of my first business and didn’t know what to do with my life. I remember feeling so frustrated that I couldn’t make things work. On top of that, I had a stupid amount...