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  1. L

    I tracked 245 YC W24 startups and identified the top 10 fastest growing

    I have been tracking all of the YC companies since their inception. Today, I analysed all 245 companies that have gone through the W24 batch and am presenting some of the most interesting metrics. Since all of these companies are pretty early stage and lean, I focused on the 3-4 most important...
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    I studied 5,000+ Series A and Series B stage companies in the USA to identify the next unicorns

    I researched over 5000 Series A and Series B stage companies in the USA to identify the next unicorns. I identified 10 companies that I feel could become unicorns very soon based on several factors including growth rates, hiring trends, and leadership. I then ranked them on a few metrics and...
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    Is the B2B SasS boom over? These companies are still rocket ships

    @atozsolution Very interesting to see that fastest growing ones are building an horizontal SaaS
  4. L

    Is the B2B SasS boom over? These companies are still rocket ships

    @jellobiafra The fastest growing company in the list above is a horizontal SaaS
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    I studied 5,000+ Series A and Series B stage companies in the USA to identify the next unicorns

    @mousearts Initially I was a bit wary about the library wrappers like Langchain but with the race to the bottom of foundational models there might be something very big for these wrappers. If they can manage to seamlessly integrate with all model providers and let developers use any provider...
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    I studied 5,000+ Series A and Series B stage startups in the USA to identify the next unicorns

    I researched over 5000 Series A and Series B stage companies in the USA to identify the next unicorns. I identified 10 companies that I feel could become unicorns very soon based on several factors including growth rates, hiring trends, and leadership. I then ranked them on a few metrics and...
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    I studied 5,000+ Series A and Series B stage companies in the USA to identify the next unicorns

    I researched over 5000 Series A and Series B stage companies in the USA to identify the next unicorns. I identified 10 companies that I feel could become unicorns very soon based on several factors including growth rates, hiring trends, and leadership. I then ranked them on a few metrics and...
  8. L

    Key Insights from Y Combinator's High-Growth US Startups of 2023

    Just did a study on Y Combinator's portfolio to identify the fastest-growing US-based startups as well as categories in 2023. Universe of companies: All YC portfolio companies that have raised more than $5m in funding and have more than 10 employees. A total of about 350 companies. Fastest...