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  1. L

    [Free eBook] Getting from Employee 5 to 50, a Startup Hiring Guide

    Hello everyone, usually I cross-post links haha but this resource seems perfect to just share here: Getting from Employee 5 to 50 by Nikos Moraitakis & Co (Workable) "The hiring guide every startup should read" And here's what's inside: How to build a brand that's attractive to new talent An...
  2. L

    all right founders, tonight's free resource: a quick lesson on nailing your sales calls — simple, powerful techniques for closing

    I'm not 100% sure on the status of that first link tbh; if you're having any trouble, try this one.
  3. L

    all right founders, tonight's free resource: a quick lesson on nailing your sales calls — simple, powerful techniques for closing

    "Don't Leave It to Chance! 10 Secrets to Closing More Deals published by GetAccept and Chargebee, originally courtesy of a post over at r/FreeEBOOKS: I'd like to share the bones with you below — but give the book a read to fill in the gaps with actionable steps and some real-world stories from...