b2c saas

  1. S

    Need advice. How’d you promote this service?

    Hey guys, So, my buddy and I have been working hard on this cool little service that helps you save 50% or more on USDT TRC20 transfer fees. It's super user-friendly and doesn't require any of that complicated wallet connecting, permission transferring, sharing seed phrases, or any other...
  2. O

    Launching LLM powered Stock Research website with open-source models

    On Day1 of my product launch, I would respectfully ask for early feedbacks from the community. I am a Solopreneur and took ~6 months to stitch multiple tech components together ranging from Data,LLMs, Servers, cloud services,front-end etc. Key features: Unlimited free chat without any sign-up...
  3. S

    Reddit trend —> $6M ARR beauty app for men

    UMAX, a simple tool, generates over $6 Mn in ARR by solving the problem that the founder came across on Reddit. If you head over to , you'll find tons of guys sharing their photos and asking for advice on how to up their grooming game. We're talking 25+ posts every single day! The founder of...
  4. R

    What we learned about financial modeling as a series B SaaS startup

    We took (most of) what we've learned about financial modeling while building our company, and packaged up the knowledge so other startups can find their footing faster. The guide includes how to forecast customer churn and retention, track subscription-based revenue, calculate gross ARR churn...
  5. F

    How we made $20K in sales WITHOUT an MVP, to fund out MVP

    Within 2 weeks, I ran a campaign that generated over $20,000 in pre-launch sales that funded my MVP all from a Powerpoint Presentation delivered in 15 mins. I'm going to tell you how with examples, because a lot of people talk about the principle of doing this, but don't show the execution...
  6. T

    Reverse-Engineering SaaS making Millions from Acquire.com

    Best way to succeed in startups is copying already successful startups. You don't need to be a genius to find an original idea. After all, everything is a remix. But where do you find these successful startups making millions? Well, its quite simple. 100s of Indiehackers have been tooting...
  7. G

    Learnings from building and launching weeklygoal.app

    Tech Stack: Python, Flask, Postgresql and Twilio APIHosting: AWSCost to operate: $8 month ($6 for AWS AppRunner + $2 on Twilio costs). Technically AWS is free since I got $1,000 worth of credits for the first 12 monthGetting first users: Pushed my family and friends to try it outMeasure of...
  8. M

    What tool(s) do you use for A/B testing?

    As the title asks - what tool do you use for A/B testing your SaaS product? Looking for something simple and lightweight to integrate with and shows all the metrics from each experiment. For context, we have a JavaScript/React Frontend and a Node backend. Thanks!
  9. B

    How Much My Mobile Apps Made Me in College!

    Hey guys just wanted to share my indie dev journey the past 4 years at college. I really struggled to get any internship whats so ever. I crumbled in stupid leetcode interviews. I hated grinding for it, and genuinely thought it was a waste of time. After like the 100th rejection I decided I...
  10. W

    Low conversion rates - what's wrong with my funnel?

    I’m a solo dev bootstrapping a b2c SaaS in the travel space. I’ve been launched for about two months, but I’m not getting many paid conversions. I’m trying to understand where the problems are in my funnel. Here’s my numbers, and some of my ideas on what might be wrong. Google PPC CTR: 6%...
  11. M

    What is a fair rate to pay your affiliates?

    Say you are charging $15 a month for a SaaS, what might be a good rate to give to an affiliate with 100+k subscribers on youtube.
  12. J

    What's the deal with people subscribing to my SaaS newsletter with emails formatted like this mY.nAMe@sOMEcoMpANY.COM

    For context, I have a basic form at the bottom of my SaaS website that collects emails (for those who don't want to convert). I'm finding an increasing number of submitted (and yes, verified) emails formatted in this way, is it a bot, spam, or some other tool? The companies (domains) seem legit...
  13. B

    Website getting opened but not used?

    easycoverletter.com Understandably the mobile version needs work, but wondering why the desktop users aren't trying out the website before leaving? It's advertised primarily to job applicants organically so wondering how to achieve activation on the home page.. Would a PH badge really help...
  14. N

    Are oAuth providers (Google, FB, Twiiter, etc.) important for B2C services?

    I'm working on a service similar to Patreon or Ko-fi/BuyMeACoffee, that is meant mostly for B2C but does cater a bit more to businesses than Patreon does. The important part is everyone needs a username, even the donators, so the less friction to add a username the better obviously. I can't...
  15. A

    Accessing external services on behalf of a user inside SaaS application

    Hi guys, I'm new to building SaaS, but have a technical background. However I'm wondering if anyone can tell me about best practices and the easiest way for accessing external services from inside a SaaS application on behalf for the user. In my example, I want users to log in and be able to see...