best practices

  1. S

    2 failed startups, 1 purchase & turnaround, 1 b2b startup rocket 0-1 🚀 +, AMA

    Anyone who feels like sharing a personal entrepreneurial story by all means 👇🏻. I made so many mistakes in the 9 yrs since quitting a CEO role in tech to buy and start companies. Happy to share some major mistakes / learnings here and answer any questions entrepreneurs or those looking to help...
  2. S

    If you’re building a startup, always sell BEFORE you build (here’s why)

    I’ve met with a 800+ entrepreneurs in my career (VC + startup builder). Many have had an idea and raise money from friends and family before actually validating it by speaking with real customers. This almost always created huge problems later. Please, save yourself the time and money and have...