blog post

  1. M

    5 metrics we use to track our teams' productivity & performance

    1. Sprint Velocity Sprint velocity is a popular Scrum metric that enables you to get a historic overview of how much value you have delivered during each sprint. In order to calculate this metric, you need to sum the story points completed at all sprints and divide them by the number of...
  2. H

    Elon Musk's 6 Productivity Rules

    In an email to Tesla employees, CEO Elon Musk shared 6 productivity rules: Avoid large meetings Avoid regular meetings Leave a meeting if you’re not contributing Use simple language Communicate directly Follow logic, not inappropriate rules 1. Avoid large meetings Large meetings blight...
  3. D

    I Spent 4 Hours reading 25+ Marketing Reports and Here’s What I learned Part-1

    1. Pinterest’s New Algorithm Explained The new algorithm changes were announced by Pinterest’s engineering team. It’s quite hard to fully understand who the algorithm works because you need an engineering background but here’s my findings after reading the blogpost! The Home feed of an average...
  4. E

    Le PRE

    QU'EST CE QUE LE P.R.E. - PLAN DE RETRAITE D'ENTREPRISE ? Donnez un atout majeur à votre entreprise grâce au P.R.E. Proposez à vos équipes de préparer un plan de retraite solide qui ne sera pas affecté par les changements de législations ni les crises. Fidélisez vos meilleurs éléments avec un...
  5. N

    Warren Buffet‘s Net Worth

    He is a billionaire, investor, entrepreneur and the 3rd richest man in the world: