business ideas

  1. I

    Mechanical Engineer needing help with ideas

    I have a B.S. degree in M.E. And have worked in the aerospace industry for 12 years. Always had an itch to start on my business and even done some odds and ins with mowing peoples yards and running. Firework tent. However, I struggle to get the “think like an entrepreneur” spirit. Wondering if...
  2. G

    Please Steal This Idea pt 2

    Last week I posted about a business idea for cleaning solar panels, which got a ton of great feedback. figured I'd continue to share some ideas with this awesome sub. Background: Delivery fees are really high for customers and restaurants. Delivery drivers aren't getting paid enough. Business...
  3. 3

    Business Coaching and Mentoring Newcastle, Australia, Why Do You Really Need It?

    If you invest during a business, you naturally roll in the hay with the view to earning revenues which will keep flowing the sustained way. But tons of startups, also as people who are already into business for a few time now, fail to urge the expected results thanks to the shortage of...
  4. K

    New Age Business to Reward Every Employee

    Hello everyone, Not even sure if this is the right sub but I literally just came up with this idea, well the math of this. Plumbing and lots of other trades are extremely. Lucrative. I have worked for a few companies and the exploitation is bad. I started my own company about 6 months ago and...
  5. D

    Pop Up Shop clearances of vintage and designer clothing. Is it a good idea? Pros and Cons

    I have been thinking about organizing clearances of vintage and designer clothing via pop up shops. I have access to quality and competitively priced vintage and designer second hand clothing. I would highly appreciate your valuable insights and input in regards to this. Some considerations: 1)...
  6. G

    Monthly subscription service?

    Hey y’all, first time poster here. I was thinking about the possibility of a survival/preparedness monthly subscription service that puts together a BOB for you in the event of a doomsday scenario. The event in question would be a zombie apocalypse, unrealistic but adds some fun flavor while...
  7. S

    7 Trending Products People Are Looking For!

    Hey guys! I wrote a software program that analyzes millions of data points online to find fast-growing products, businesses, and industries. I love sharing interesting finds with entrepreneurs in the hope one of you will create something big out of it! Here are some product trends: Search...
  8. L

    How I made $7,500 MRR in passive income in 38 days via Fitness Trainers Brokerage

    For reference, I have multiple income streams (~ $45k MRR). Some of them are pretty passive (like this one), while others require consistent work. Fitness Trainers Brokerage I contacted a few fitness trainers in my city with good reviews and low prices (from online directories) and told them I...
  9. R

    Highway business idea - need advice

    Hello everyone. I am planning to start some business next to highway in my country. I am located in capital city of one European country. This is first highway our country build in history (2022, yes it may be funny), and there is a good opportunity since my family and me have a land 0.6 miles...
  10. N

    Just Launched a Prediction Platform – What Should We Do Next?

    Hey friends & community! 😊 My mate and I have been brewing over this idea for just under a week, and after a furious 3-day coding session, we've turned our concept into reality - a bare-bones MVP, but it's a start! The Idea: Picture a platform where everyone can share and track their...
  11. T

    So I started a branding and design agency for startups 2 days ago…

    Hi guys. I want to pick your brains on this. So I just launched a branding and design agency with my partner. She is the designer I am responsible for pretty much everything else. We are providing branding and design services for startups and scaleups. We offer our services as pre made bundles...
  12. S

    My business summed up in 6 Minutes ("High Leverage Crafting")

    Crafting for profit probably conjures mental images of desperate artists, farmers markets, and people selling themselves short offering $1 (free shipping) custom stickers on Etsy that took 20 minutes to make. I'm an programmer by day but I sell handmade crafts for profit on the weekends. I...
  13. F

    I’m surprised no one has mentioned this business model before

    Exclusive US sales representative (b2b) Find a reputable equipment manufacturer in Eastern Europe with no US market presence. Think: Poland, Baltic states, Balkans, Turkey, Czechia, Slovenia, Slovakia, etc.). Offer to exclusively represent them in the US through your company. Be sure to sign an...
  14. J

    10 people's and businesses problems from Reddit

    Any ways to keep track of inventory through Zelle payment? "We are a brand new business and got started with words of mouth. We received payment through Zelle for most order. Because our products are physical products, it is overwhelming sometimes to input and keep track of inventory manually...
  15. S

    Do you ever forget important birthdays?

    I have. And it was a biggie. I used to rely on Facebook for my birthday reminders. And now I'm never on Facebook. And birthday's are a great networking opportunity for me. I take the time to phone most people who's birthday's I remember because it's a good way to stay in touch. I also like...
  16. R

    Job board where you only see openings which you are pre-selected/approved for the interview stage based on your qualifications

    This would be geared towards jobs that usually comes with a list of requirements that normally an applicant would have to manually go through one by one: years of experience, skills/technologies, education. e.g an Android developer with a bachelors degree, 2 years experience, knows Java Kotlin...
  17. R

    AI girlfriend (Caryn AI) but for business coaching -- bring your project from 0 to 1 in a sec

    over the past few days, I got the AI craze especially after stumbling upon this AI girlfriend called Caryn AI. So I came up with the idea of creating the same AI chatbot but for business advice. "WTF is this???" Imagine having access to 2nd brain of top entrepreneurs like Paul Graham (YC)...
  18. G

    Show-up-and-go, pay by kg, airline

    Right now would be the worst possible time to start an airline, but a post about someone's hesitation to book flights due to our country's (Aus) day-to-day border restrictions (travel interstate is being intermittently restricted) gave me an idea for a new airline business model. I'm not in a...
  19. H

    Minute book consulting

    Hi! Certified corporate paralegal and fellow entrepreneur here. I’m thinking of starting an “as needed” minute book services business for BC companies (e.g., preparing and filing annual documents, maintaining corporate records, consulting, etc.). Frankly I’m appalled by how much law firms are...