feedback please

  1. S

    Digital Marketing Market Research

    I’m a recent graduate from a Digital Marketing program at a local college. I’m now taking a night course focused on market value, pitching, and value proposition. My first assignment is to ask thirty people I don’t know some basic questions for market research. I’ve created a one minute survey...
  2. R

    Online ACT Prep Business Idea

    Hello, I’m currently in high school and have decided to get started with an online testprep/tutoring business, with about 8-10 people on each session. There will be 6 sessions on a Teams call, one each weekday minus Sunday, lasting one hour per day. Three of the days will be divided up into...
  3. G

    Opinions on these scenarios

    For this just assume money, hiring, and labor are not apart of this decision yet. Ok because this is between Family/((personal and business so I'll specify with (B/F). Also more like a story bc it basically snowballed 😅 Scenario one or Beginning - We (F) are looking at a property we love...
  4. N

    Don’t have a co-founder? Hire one! 🤝

    Let's be honest: one of the most common reasons companies fail is because of stressful relationships between founders, sometimes even worse when you pick the wrong partner. And everyone says to you, find a co-founder! But it takes a lot of work in the early days of concept and launching your...
  5. S

    3 years in, slow growth but I believe.

    💰250K ARR 🔥480K Gross Burn 🔥230K Net burn 📈50% YoY Growth 👩🏻‍🤝‍👨🏼🧑‍🤝‍🧑👬700K ARR of contracts. What happened is two of the products of failed and customers cancelled their contracts and didn’t expand them, two of the products succeeded and currently make us 250 K, and one productis built on...
  6. C

    Are private P.O. Box rentals a thing?

    So I was thinking of a little side business to start up and was wondering if it is possible to start your own P.O. box company? I imagine it would be pretty low startup and low maintenance i.e. it pretty much runs itself. I'm not looking to get rich off this, but I wonder if this is actually a...
  7. U

    Need feedback for my startup social media app

    I'm a college student and currently developing a Q&A social media app called Dilemaa ( *I just made the website so it's horrible. The gap I found on major Q&A platforms like Quora or Reddit is that we all focus on asking and answering questions but what if there is a Q&A...
  8. B

    Seeking Feedback On Our AI For Entrepreneurs

    Hello Redditors, We're seeking feedback on an AI designed to help startups and founders called SAMI. We are using the feedback to improve the experience. Currently, SAMI is chat-ready, and we'd love for you to interact with it. It's free to use and no sign up required either...