
  1. 3

    Business Coaching and Mentoring Newcastle, Australia, Why Do You Really Need It?

    If you invest during a business, you naturally roll in the hay with the view to earning revenues which will keep flowing the sustained way. But tons of startups, also as people who are already into business for a few time now, fail to urge the expected results thanks to the shortage of...
  2. K

    New Age Business to Reward Every Employee

    Hello everyone, Not even sure if this is the right sub but I literally just came up with this idea, well the math of this. Plumbing and lots of other trades are extremely. Lucrative. I have worked for a few companies and the exploitation is bad. I started my own company about 6 months ago and...
  3. G

    Monthly subscription service?

    Hey y’all, first time poster here. I was thinking about the possibility of a survival/preparedness monthly subscription service that puts together a BOB for you in the event of a doomsday scenario. The event in question would be a zombie apocalypse, unrealistic but adds some fun flavor while...
  4. R

    Highway business idea - need advice

    Hello everyone. I am planning to start some business next to highway in my country. I am located in capital city of one European country. This is first highway our country build in history (2022, yes it may be funny), and there is a good opportunity since my family and me have a land 0.6 miles...
  5. F

    I’m surprised no one has mentioned this business model before

    Exclusive US sales representative (b2b) Find a reputable equipment manufacturer in Eastern Europe with no US market presence. Think: Poland, Baltic states, Balkans, Turkey, Czechia, Slovenia, Slovakia, etc.). Offer to exclusively represent them in the US through your company. Be sure to sign an...
  6. J

    10 people's and businesses problems from Reddit

    Any ways to keep track of inventory through Zelle payment? "We are a brand new business and got started with words of mouth. We received payment through Zelle for most order. Because our products are physical products, it is overwhelming sometimes to input and keep track of inventory manually...
  7. S

    Do you ever forget important birthdays?

    I have. And it was a biggie. I used to rely on Facebook for my birthday reminders. And now I'm never on Facebook. And birthday's are a great networking opportunity for me. I take the time to phone most people who's birthday's I remember because it's a good way to stay in touch. I also like...
  8. G

    Show-up-and-go, pay by kg, airline

    Right now would be the worst possible time to start an airline, but a post about someone's hesitation to book flights due to our country's (Aus) day-to-day border restrictions (travel interstate is being intermittently restricted) gave me an idea for a new airline business model. I'm not in a...