indie biz

  1. B

    AI-driven SDR that brings new clients

    Hello everyone! I’m the founder of SallyAI. You can utilize our service to automatically identify thousands of ready-to-buy prospects and send personalized, research-based emails and LinkedIn messages at scale. We recently started working with Enterprise in the US. Our Sally AI crawls the web...
  2. A

    Don’t Break Your Product on Launch Day

    Hi everyone, recently I launched my product Coding Font. Today I wanted to share some learnings regarding my launch. Write Launch Content Ahead of Time This helps tremendously. On the day of the launch, we had all the launch content ready to go. My co-founder posted them on several subreddits...
  3. G

    [OFFER] Kickass copy that captures your brand’s voice, your audiences’ hearts, and increases your profits

    2.6 seconds. That’s how quickly a visitor to your site will make that vital, so final decision; to stick around or to leave, never to be seen again. All the slick design, fancy features and SEO in the world won’t stop them. But one thing can. Great copywriting. Working with me will… Increase...
  4. K

    Studio Animazione 3D | Studio Rendering | Agenzia Grafica 3D

    La W&E è una Agenzia di Comunicazione. Il nostro team è composto da laureati ed esperti nel settore del design e elaborazione, di immagini e nelle tecniche di comunicazioni è in grado di affiancarti nelle scelte importanti e operare per trovare la soluzione più adatta a te. La W&E srl produce...
  5. F

    Does a tool for testing website bot protection sound interesting?

    Hello, r/indiebiz! I think it's probably safe to assume that everyone who's visiting this subreddit and owns an indie business has a website. You're also probably concerned with that website's stability, performance, and ultimately protection from bots. This is where BotMeNot comes in. It's...
  6. M

    Why You Should Choose Corporate Transportation Services

    You've probably heard the phrase, "You get what you pay for." For those always on the move, especially for work, the true value of this statement shines. So, let’s dive in and see why corporate transportation services are a real bang for your buck. Experience Matters Imagine being driven by...
  7. S

    I'm offering a bunch of free services to people who may need them. [Details in post]

    Hey everyone! Sorry for the wall-of-text, but I assure you that it's worth reading! As someone who have participated in many co-working projects through Reddit, we may have all come to a dilemma where we need some kind of service, but no one wants to be the one to foot the bill. Well, starting...
  8. Y

    Any Experience w/ Kernal?

    Anyone ever posted on this site? Quick view here Just got an invite code to share with friends.
  9. F

    How I got my first 100 users for my pronunciation training app

    I’m the founder of a language learning app that helps with pronunciation. Here’s how I got my first 100 users: Solved My Own Problem: I built the app to solve my own struggles with language pronunciation. I realized that consistent repetition was key for me, so I developed a tool to make this...
  10. W

    Track time and be in focus with the simplest Pomodoro time tracker you've ever seen

    Hi everyone! I am (along with my partner @mjsk) just uploaded our new app called Pomodorus to AppStoreand GooglePlay. Pomodorus is a really simple but powerful tool to help you stay focused and increase your productivity. Try it out! And, if you'll like it (or especially if you won't), please...
  11. I

    [Feedback Request] Sujjest - Quickly turn friends’ ideas and interests into a clear plan

    Our new free app, Sujjest, is designed to make group decisions easy by combining the type of brainstorming you’d do with people in a room and an amp’d up decision making process to create a more human interaction. Everyone gets involved. Everyone adds options. Everyone makes decisions TOGETHER...
  12. O

    Upselling from $8/mo to $2k/mo

    I just closed a client for $1947/mo. But 5 months ago he was spending only $8/mo. Most customers have way more purchasing power than you think. Unlock it with the power of stacking. Here's my 3-steps stacking formula: Step 1 - Build trust with a low-ticket product In a world full of scams...
  13. J

    How to Use Lead Generation Software to Boom Your LinkedIn Lead Generation
  14. E

    Top 10 Entrepreneurs Struggles

    Entrepreneurs face a multitude of challenges as they navigate the complex world of business. Some of the most significant problems they encounter include: Funding and financial management: Securing adequate funding to launch and sustain a business is a common challenge. Entrepreneurs must...
  15. A

    First class freelance jobs & business building resources to your inbox daily

    Hi all. I've created FuelanceLeads. With it I send you the latest hand picked, high value freelance jobs and gigs along with business-building resources delivered to your inbox every single day It came about because of four pain points that practically every freelancer experiences… Constantly...
  16. G

    TellTrail | Remote Workforce intelligence for the new way we work

    Hi, I’m Georgi Apostolov at TellTrail We want to help companies switch to remote work by providing them with team morale and team engagement data. Allowing them to visualize team communication patterns, identify unspoken, communication problems, identify overworked employees, and identify bad...
  17. L

    Tips and Tricks to earn Product of the Day on ProductHunt (2x back-to-back launches)

    Hey r/indiebiz! I just launched my second product (Newsletter Crew) on ProductHunt today and it's trending #1! The first product I launched (IndieStack) I also ended up finishing in first place. Earning Product of the Day is a big achievement for your product and brings in an influx of...
  18. S

    $0 CAC, 1,000 email subscribers, and a 56% open rate... here's how

    Hey everyone, I recently have been building a weekly startup idea newsletter called and got my first 1,000 subscribers in 12 days! I used 0 paid ads! All subscribers were totally free! Fast forward to the end for the takeaways... Backstory Since January I have been...
  19. P

    Introducing Your Personalized Fitness Companion 🏋️‍♂️

    Hello! I'm thrilled to introduce you to my latest project – As someone who works a 9-6 software engineering job, diving into the world of fitness tech in my spare time has been quite the adventure. is the result of countless late nights and weekends spent coding...
  20. B

    I interviewed 10,000+ authors for their favorite books around topics, themes, and moods!

    Hi all, I launched 3 years ago on Hacker News and Indie Hackers, and I have added a ton since then! I’ve interviewed 10,000+ authors & experts to get their 5 favorite reads around different topics, themes, and moods. And I’ve connected those so that you follow your curiosity...