
  1. L

    I tracked 245 YC W24 startups and identified the top 10 fastest growing

    I have been tracking all of the YC companies since their inception. Today, I analysed all 245 companies that have gone through the W24 batch and am presenting some of the most interesting metrics. Since all of these companies are pretty early stage and lean, I focused on the 3-4 most important...
  2. M

    Marketplace app

    Bit if a random one here, but does anyone know whether marketplace apps like, vinted, olio, by rotation, and young planet are basically the same application? The front end looks very similar is exactly what I’m looking for for my startup. TIA :-) X posted with r/startups
  3. N

    What freelancing teaches about economics and how you can benefit from it!

    Hi, write a weekly startup blog which details about my own experience. This is my 16th weekly blog, this one is about economics of freelance sites. It tells about what I learned from freelancing for over 7 years. Here are key points 1) Freelance sites are almost in perfect competition 2)...
  4. T

    21 Sentences That Mean Your Startup Is in Trouble

    1. We don't have any competitors. 2. We don't assume anything about our customers. 3. We don't need a roadmap—just sprints are enough. 4. I want to see “hockey stick'' growth. 5. We're lacking visibility. 6. We’re disrupting the industry! 7. That’s the way we’ve always done it. 8. If you...