lessons learned

  1. L

    Started a content marketing agency 5 years ago - $0 to $4,539,659 (2022 Update, Part 1): Lower the stakes

    Hey friends, This is my yearly update post on my content marketing business. I don’t really have anything to promote. But feel free to follow me on Twitter if you’re interested in what I have to say about entrepreneurship, content marketing, SEO, and hip hop. My name is Tyler and five years...
  2. D

    Lessons from $0 to 7 figure revenue -- 13 principles to level up as an entrepreneur

    Heya, I'm Jeff 👋 one of the founders of Paragon (an activewear brand). We're bootstrapped, 100% remote and have scaled from $0 to 7 figure revenue. Here's last90d sales as proof. I'm posting today about lessons learned on how to produce crazy results with the least amount of effort. This is my...
  3. C

    How breaking my phone addiction made me a better entrepreneur and 10x’d my productivity

    As entrepreneurs, we all know the most important thing is speed and focus. But I used to significantly struggle with my productivity and focus when it came to my business. I would start the week by planning out all of the tasks I wanted to get done for the week and start out strong, but then...