
  1. 4

    EIDL and PPP approved/funded. Full Timelines and Thank you!

    First of all, a big thank you to the collaborative efforts of this board. Pretty new here, but long time lurker. The information here may very well have saved our business we spent 10 years building - 70+ hour weeks, blood, sweat, and tears. To all that helped, you will be remembered...
  2. I

    PPP & PUA: **8 weeks worth** not 8 weeks of payments. Sole Props

    Please tell me why you can’t claim the week you received PPP and continue to file. No where does it state it needs to be stretched out as 8 week payments. The owner compensation law states 75% is automatically forgiven according to your schedule c. No where does it say you can’t pay yourself all...
  3. I

    PPP w/o Schedule C?

    First post here so go easy on me.. Has anyone else received PPP funding after SOLELY sending in 1099 MISC? (So no Schedule C) As for my situation, I’m an independent contractor w/ 0 employees & filed for PPP as soon as it was available. (Recording Engineer/Producer) Originally there was...
  4. G

    PayPal ppp less than requested

    Applied 5/4 to both PayPal and lendio as an independent contractor (truck driver o/o). I started this "business" in 08/2019. I already have docusign from PayPal. They based the amount off my schedule c net profit (2019) instead of the calculated first two months for new businesses. I will...