
  1. D

    Founders that have had liquidity: How would you go about finding your next high value problem to solve?

    What I want to understand is whether the genesis for the successful iteration of your "idea" was very specific (e.g. "I am going to solve X for group Y"), if it was a function of deciding to solve any problem you could find for a specific group (e.g. "Group Y is interesting, I wonder what...
  2. M

    Has anyone ever gone to the Aspire Tour event/conference?

    I’ve tried looking up reviews or any info not from them directly but I can’t find any! The lineup looks great I just want to be sure it’s worth my money, I’m thinking of getting the top ticket. This is the link -...
  3. V

    I got 6 years self taught experience with C, C#, C++, Python and HTML. what can I do to make 200-400$ a month...?

    I'm a soldier and kind of need a part time/full time job related to programming that can help me make enough to rent an apartment and live a normal life, 400$ should be more than enough for me as I dont live in the U.S and a $ here is 3.5x its value in the U.S
  4. J

    What’s the likelihood you’d get a response?

    Assuming you go out and leave comments in the hopes that they’d response and “connect” to you in LinkedIn. What are your odds, how long do you guys do it for until you move on? Is it some cold email one and done or after 3 days comment again? (This is assuming your comment isn’t something...