
  1. I

    A Step-By-Step Growth Hacking Process

    Growth Hacking Process Brainstorming Growth Experiments: Question (what if, why, what about, etc.) Observe (what are others doing) Associate (connect dots between unrelated things -- how metric A impacts B and B impacts C) Network (industry peers and communities) Prioritizing Experiments...
  2. S

    731 Days of DFY Social Calendar [Free]

    To help you kick off content creation this New Year, I'm thrilled to share a social calendar that's pure gold! 🗓️ Here's how to get your hands on 731 Days of DFY Social Calendar: 1️⃣ Click the link:
  3. R

    What other books about two-sided online marketplaces or their founders that I should read?

    I run a two-sided B2B marketplace and I read all books I can find about two-sided marketplaces. Most of the books I found center around their founders' founding stories. I am OK with that. This is my personal reading list: Alibaba: The House That Jack Ma Built, by Duncan Clark. This is a book...
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    List of 1446 Products That Launched on AppSumo

    I generated a list of 1446 startups / products that have launched their lifetime deals on AppSumo. A few ideas on how you can use this list: Research products in a specific product category (Productivity, Video, SEO, etc.) Find active Lifetime Deals (only the latest links will be active, most...