“How I made $100k flipping phones in 60 days” - sounds too good to be true and probably is. How to tell


New member
I’ve seen a lot of “too good to be true” get rich quick schemes over the years.

These business usually make money coaching others how to do it.

If I knew how to make $100k in 60 days, I probably wouldn’t tell others how to do it. It would saturate the market and destroy my business.

My guess is there’s more money in coaching people how to do X instead of just doing X.

I won’t call it a scam, but it seems like a waste of your money. Especially if a thousand other people took the same course and know the same “secret”.

So it doesn’t pass my test for a good business.

What are some other “get rich quick” ideas you avoid and what tests do you use to identify them?

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